Category Archives: zen


    During my yoga class yesterday, our teacher said something that pulled on my heartstrings and resonated to my core. This is no ordinary yoga, hot nor otherwise. It’s Bikram, hot as shit, at 105°, 26 of the same exact poses, every time, no music and no conversing with your neighbor, no water until… Continue Reading

Spring Cleaning…

    Every year I conquer the beast in several ways. One sure way to get motivated for change is by cleaning from the inside out first.  There’s no better support in getting fired up for a challenge, than to influence your people to join you in your quest for a restorative life stye. You’re apt to… Continue Reading

Stella & Raj Are the Exception

Not all of those with tails are so fortunate. Did you happen to catch the piece on ABC news the other night? ☞ The story tells an excruciating “tail” about some Chicago pounds, mismanagement and random euthanasias being implemented on lost dogs that could have possibly been a potential pet to a loving family. It’s a heartbreaking… Continue Reading

“Growing apart doesn’t change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I’m glad for that.” – Ally Condietry

    To the strands that connect us all… Many moons ago, I had the privilege of taking a teacher training class with Sharon Gannon and David Life. To begin, Sharon addressed the class and invited us to bow our heads in reverence to the Gurus we seldom acknowledge nor think to honor. She continued,… Continue Reading

I have a Zen approach…

Trying to describe how you want your hair is somewhat like trying to describe a color. Virtually impossible. I feel very strongly about conversing in a visual language when it comes to describing the vision you have, for the look you’d like to acheive. I often wonder why a client feels intimidated at times, to show… Continue Reading
