class of 2014 CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

5.24.13This piece grabs me around graduation season each year. However, this year, it’s slapping me
around silly. My son, Cody has just graduated from college. My youngest daughter Skyler (the caboose of 4 children) is just about to graduate from high school. Though I am happy and so very proud of all of them, I can’t help but to reflect on some poignant messages revealed in the lyrics of this video.

For me it serves as a sincere reminder that indeed,these are the precious days. And as I look forward through this great right of passage, with all the delight and god willing, things to come, my heart is heavy with the loss of the innocence of my sweet little children and also with the twinge of regret for a few things I may have done differently armed with my experience of today. Yet, then I can revel in the joy on their faces and the excitement which for them, is their whole life ahead. I am so very grateful for the gift of today.

Watch this, you’ve probably heard it before. Each time it brings new meaning.

And remember, Wear Sunscreen. ☞

xo jac
